So over the last couple of weeks my wife and I have been backpacking through Europe. Greece was our first stop. We flew out of Salt Lake City May 1st and it took us the whole day to get to Greece. Missing our connection flight in Paris didn't help but we arrived late evening on May 1st.
Athens is centered around the Acropolis and for the next couple of days we just walked around this magnificent structure. Around the Acropolis is the Temple of Hephaestas, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Pnyx (forum where democracy began), the Agora (ancient market), and lots of quaint streets with little shops crowded with pushy ugly shop keepers. It was amazing visiting Socrates Prison and Paul's rock where he gave his famous 'Men of Athens' speech. The history and ancient architecture were amazing, even exceeding the Greek Gyros which I ate at a rate of two per day! Two full days was all we were able to squeeze in but the weather was warm and a good time was had by all.
Our flight left at 5am on May 4th, so we set our alarm for 2:15 am so we could catch the 2:45 bus to the airport and off we went to our second location...Prague.