The Ultra Experience

Here's to the adventures of my life which are usually ultra marathon trail running or fly fishing but may include other trips, experiences, thoughts, opinions, or pretty much whatever I want. As co-founder of Altra Footwear my life and adventures seemingly revolve more around developing and promoting the best footwear in the world...and I love it!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ari is 1

So Ari turned one yesterday. He is extremely active and already running (literally...his motor is churning 100 miles per hour!). Loved the birthday snow he got to play in and generally makes a mess of everything. Great kid!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Autumn Running 2010

After Wasatch it seems like my running is drastically reduced quantity wise, but the quality seems to be the best of the year. I moved up Hobble Creek Canyon which has remote singletrack trails in every direction. I've bagged several Peaks including Mahogany Mtn and Spanish Fork Peak. Took a trip to Portland and went on a couple great runs in The Gorge. I love the trail conditions, the temperature, and the lack of urgency in the runs. It's just running for the love of running. Another month of this great time of year before winter really hits and I have a couple more runs to check off the bucket list. Better get to it! Enjoy the season.

Fishbowl Falls Portland

Spanish Fork Peak