My recent adventure involved me taking my father-in-law, the ever famous Professor Richard Nietzel Holzapfel, backpacking in the Uintah Mountains. Since he nor his son Zac had ever been camping before I got all their gear prep'd early and planned an awesome trip with great food. We left just after lunch on Friday and off we went up the Mirror Lake Highway. Passing through the tiny town of Samak was way too entertaining but once at the Crystal Lake trail head, it didn't take long to hit the trail. We were only going two miles in but the trail was steep and we took our time. Can you even imagine Prof. Holzapfel with a 25 lb backpack heading up a trail? For those who know this Deseret Book superstar you can understand how adventuresome this trip was! We picked a great Leave No Trace campsite away from the noisy Boy Scout's up on the base of Mt Watson. Zanna made us a dinner consisting of couscous and salmon which was a hit. Once dinner was over we went off to the main event...fishing. Zac quickly got hooked on the fly and bubble technique and spent the rest of the trip fishing every spare second. Richard even caught several fish and then quickly became fascinated by my "uncanny ability to catch fish." Yes it is true; I love fishing and seem to be fairly skilled at catching fish. The area produced lots of small Brook trout and we all had a great time with plenty of fishing success. It was fun being in the mountains with people who were experiencing the smells, sounds(or lack thereof), and views for the first time. They kept commenting on the views and the wildflowers. It was great and exciting for me to see them enjoying themselves. Everyone even seemed to sleep quite well and grew a little closer to the outdoors. We went home happy Saturday afternoon from a small yet fun adventure. Happy adventures to us and hopefully to everyone else!