The Ultra Experience

Here's to the adventures of my life which are usually ultra marathon trail running or fly fishing but may include other trips, experiences, thoughts, opinions, or pretty much whatever I want. As co-founder of Altra Footwear my life and adventures seemingly revolve more around developing and promoting the best footwear in the world...and I love it!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Taiwan + Antelope 50k =??

I'm getting on a plan this morning for Taiwan and my mind is going to 7 days from now when I run the Antelope Island 50K.  My training has been mediocre but the interesting part of the scenario is the my return flight from Taiwan lands Friday night at 7:35pm.  The race starts 12 hours later.  Will I fall asleep at mile 23 during the race?  Was my training nearly enough?  How will my system/stomach react?  The last time I flew internationally and raced was in Japan where I had a 2 day adjustment and still struggled...

Either way it will be an adjustment.  Excited for the trail season to arrive.  Jim Skaggs classic Antelope Island race marks this and it seems like lots of people will be out on the Island next Saturday.  What event will you be racing?!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

New Zealand/Australia 2013

I had the opportunity to go to New Zealand and the Australia for 2 weeks on business.  Had a grand time.  Such beautiful part of the world!  I saw Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, and Rotorua while in New Zealand.  Since the trip was business I didn't get much sight seeing in but had a great experience meeting and working with great people.  After New Zealand I flew east to Australia visiting Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Geelong and Brisbane.  13 flights in 16 days.  I squoze in a little running but 3 were rather epic.  The first was in the mountains around Rotorua where I hit 10 beautiful miles of singletrack on the edge of town.  A trail running hub for sure. The 2nd was a sunrise run around Sydney.  Great city!  The 3rd was through D'Argulair National Park outside of Brisbane.  On the day before I flew out, my hosts dropped me off on one side of the park with a map.  16 miles later I topped Mt Nebo and met them at a quaint little café for brunch.  I feel very lucky to have these experiences.  I also had a chance to go to a Mauri cultural center, visited nearly 30 running, fitness, and shoe stores, played a wicked game of lawn bowling, and watched a Union Rugby game.  I think if I have a chance, I'll head down under again!