So the other week I wanted to go for a nice long run. I finally felt recovered from Wasatch and I needed to go long. I decided to run the Great Western Trail along the front side of Timp. It was a beautiful day and I felt good. Nearing the saddle of Baldy I felt a blister coming back on my left foot. I stopped on the saddle to apply some tape when, as I was looking up at Timp, suddenly decided to go for it. It was a spectacularly spontaneous decision that I rarely make yet I soon found myself heading straight up the south face of Timp. No trail, no trees, just me heading up an extremely talus and angled slope. The wind was crazy and luckily I had my Golite Wisp jacket which is amazingly wind resistant as I powered up the mountain. Finally reaching the Saddle I was nearly blown off a cliff due to the ridiculous wind. I'm not the best judge of wind speed but it must have been 50-60 mph winds as I slowly and tiltedly made my way up the ridge line. The view was beautiful with snow patches from the first couple storms of autumn and the valley below. I was getting a bit chilled but I quickly made my way to the summit. After starting at just over 5,000 ft in Orem, I had made it to the top (11,749 ft) in just under 3 1/2 hours! It was awesome. Soon I was off heading down the mountain. The autumn colors were perfect and the run, aside from the small blister, was unbeatable. I barely had enough water and I took 40 oz on a 76 degree fall day. Doing this run in summer would be way too hot. Luckily it was perfect for me and I had an awesome run! This run is definitely recommended for you adventurers. Happy trails everyone.