The Ultra Experience

Here's to the adventures of my life which are usually ultra marathon trail running or fly fishing but may include other trips, experiences, thoughts, opinions, or pretty much whatever I want. As co-founder of Altra Footwear my life and adventures seemingly revolve more around developing and promoting the best footwear in the world...and I love it!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


For those who have not been to Havasupai or who don't know what it is, you need to find out and go. Aside from Runner's Corner I have a part time job as an Adventure Trip Leader for Utah Valley University. We lead a trip to Havasupai every year and I got to be the trip leader this year. I was excited to go back, since my only previous experience at Havasupai was only for one day. The drive down was long and tedious especially when one of our vans got pulled over in a small Arizona town. Luckily he only got a warning. Our group of 19 people camped on the rim Wed night and hiked down in the cool temperature of morning. The trip was pretty uneventful aside from playing in and around the waterfalls. They were gorgeous as usual. The trash and hygiene of the campground and village definitely put a damper on things but our group ran into some LDS missionaries in town and we volunteered to help clean up an area of the village as a service project which was totally cool. An Indian woman died and so we cleaned up her yard and house as well as built a memorial for the funeral to take place under (see picture). It was a neat experience. We hiked out Saturday morning and drove home that night, making for a very long day, but we all survived and had fun. Being the leader of 19 people gave me a slightly different perspective since I was directing traffic and worrying about safety etc. We all had a great time and I learned even more as an experiential educator and leader. Next weekend I am leading a trip to Goblin Valley and then over Christmas break I'm leading a 9 day sea kayaking trip to Baja Mexico. Lots of fun!

1 comment:

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