Going into this event I was nervous. Not that excited nervous like before Squaw Peak or Wasatch, just plain nervous. It was from my lack of confidence. When the race started I reminded myself to just go out slow and have a good time. I started out in 14-15th place. I watched the lead group's headlights bobbing way out in front. After 4-5 miles I passed a bunch of runners and was having a nice time with good friend Roger Smith. We continued to run together for most of the first 25 or so miles. Heading up those first hills I felt I was going too fast but I didn't want to hold Roger back. I had never had a problem keeping up with him in the past so I kept motoring along. Soon we started passing several more runners as we heading back to the starting line and I was feeling good going down those gradual hills.
My wife was volunteering at the 20.5 mile aid station and it gave me a boost seeing her. Soon Roger was motoring away and I new I wouldn't be able to maintain his quick pace so I let him go. I starting struggling a bit those next 10 miles but kept moving fairly well. I was a little dehydrated which I quickly took care of but I was starting to get a wicked blister as well as some sore feet and legs. I took 5-6 minutes at the Garr Ranch to see if a change of shoes would help and eat some food. Peter Lingren caught up to me and we ran the next couple of miles together. He gaped me as I stopped for a restroom break and it just got worse from there. At the Frary Peak aid station mile 38.4 Scott Mason asked me how the race was. I blurted out "I hate flat races!" Karl Melzter and Scott both chuckled with Scott saying "Yep, I won't do them anymore. Us Wasatch runners need mountains to climb." I agree whole heartedly!
I tried to keep running and chose the gradual uphills to walk if needed but by mile 40 my legs were dead, feet hurt, and my back was killing me. I started to slow down big time. The walking on those flat smooth trails just kills your time though. It sucked. I hate getting passed and usually I start slow and do most of the passing on race day. Not this day however as I walked/jogged in those last 10 miles getting passed by another half dozen runners.