1st Scott Jamie- Hasn't run the race over the last few years but in the meantime he has been cranking out wickedly fast times over notoriously tough courses. Will be the frontrunner from start to finish, near or under 8 hrs!
2nd Eric Storheim- Always strong, he should run well like usual. Maybe this year we won't let the leader out of his sights.
3rd Kevin Shilling- Extremely talented and two time winner. If he wants it he will contend for the victory.
4th Christian Johnson- Has improved every year and this year looks to be his year.
5th Ryan Cooper- Long time competitive runner from Colorado. I believe it's his first time at Squaw Peak so we will see how he does.
The mens chase pack should be huge with lots of past competitive athletes showing up. It should consist of:
Leland Barker
Todd Schmidtke
David Larsen
Daniel Schmidt
Roger Smith
Shane Martin
Rich McDonald
Dave Hunt
Scott Kunz
Matt Conners
Jeff Lamora
Peter Lingren
Shaun Christian
Phil Lowry
Several other 1st time Squaw Peakers to look out for are Ron Greenwood and Clyde Behunin. Both of whom are excellent marathoners jumping into the ultra scene. The top 20 runners should all be under or close to 10 hrs. It looks like the deepest field since 2004.
As for me, I'm predicting a 9th place finish in 9 hrs and 19 minutes. This looks like an average year for me. I'm in good shape and if things go well I might be able to shave a few minutes off but I'm not in the shape I was the previous two years. I'm in very similiar shape as 3 years ago when I ran 9:19 for a 10th place finish. My planned splits are almost identical to my 2006 time.
As for the Womens race, it looks very competitive as well. My predictions are as follows:
1st Sarah Evans- After her Wasatch 100 victory combined with her youthful speed she should be the one to crush the competition although her inexperience could lead to a blow up.
2nd Birgitta Johnson- Knows the course and knows her limits. She will do well as always.
3rd Milada Copeland- Military precision. Could have a huge day and contend for win.
4th Deanna McLaughlin- Knows how to pace a tough course.
5th Eve Davies- After her solid performance at Zane Grey, she should come into this race strong.
6th Marci Lameroux- Local favorite has improved every year and should tear up the course.
7th Marcee Christain- Does well every year and this year should be no different.
7th Marcee Christain- Does well every year and this year should be no different.
Looks like it will be an awesome race! I know I'm excited. The red athletes all belong to the Runner's Corner/Hammer Mountain Team. Good luck to fellow team members and all runners next weekend!