Wow! Why I run this brutal 62.24 mile race I will never know. To date it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. With over 16,000 ft of elevation gain(12,000 by mile 30), rocky and rough trail conditions, ridiculous heat, and...well 62 miles of it, it's hard. This year my goals were simple: 1st-run with Wasatch 100 in mind for learning and training. 2
nd-run faster than last year. And 3rd-WIN.
This year Dave Hunt needed a place to stay before the race since he lived in Salt Lake and wanted to stay closer to the race...I offered my house. We prepared the night before the race and set a schedule to be to the start at 2:40 am. (The race starts at 3:00am) Needless to say, we screwed up big time. We left the house 15 minutes later than we had planned, we got lost in
Springville due to the road construction, and we pulled in as the runners we leaving at 3:00 am. We both frantically put all our things together, dropped our drop bags and off we went 5 minutes behind the rest of the field. A minute up the road I realized I had the wrong insoles in my shoes and Dave had forgotten his gloves, water, and he had to go to the bathroom. We decided NOT to turn back. A minute later the topic of turning back came up again. This time we decided to go back. We dropped out water packs and went back to the start to take care of business. When all said and done we started a little over 13 minutes behind the rest of the field!! We're idiots, we know.
From there the race went well. Dave and I ran together and after an hour or so we started passing the back of the pack runners. I was quite flustered and annoyed from the whole experience of getting to the start late and turning back but Dave didn't even seem fazed. I tried not to let it bother me. By aid station #3, mile 16.5, we had passed over 20 people with only 2 3:00 am starters in front of us.(There was a few runners who opted to start at 1:00 am) We were heading up Lightening Ridge the most beautiful section of the course and one of the most amazing trails I've ever run. Near the top I started picking up the pace knowing that I was a better downhill runner than Dave and knowing that he was in much MUCH better shape this year than last, so I wanted to put some distance on him on the long downhills coming off Lightening Ridge and Windy Pass. I felt comfortable and heading down into Big Springs aid station mile 23.5 I had taken over the lead and put 4-5 minutes on Dave. Danny and Derick Moody were there to greet me and also help pace me up to Windy pass. It was much nicer this year having pacers, running longer with Dave, and passing nearly everyone in the race. Last year I didn't even see a single runner from mile 16 to the finish. After having now caught even the 1:00 am starters and nearing the top of Windy Pass my legs started feeling a little tired but I'd gone nearly 30 miles with 12,000 ft of elev gain. I felt better at this point than I did last year. 5 min out of Windy Pass I thought I heard shouting as if another runner had come in. I couldn't be certain but somehow I felt that Dave was not messing around this year and it just might have been him. I wanted to put some distance over him during the out-n-back section. If he saw that I had 10-15 minutes on him and looked good it might demoralize him and then I'd have the race in the bag. Coming off of Windy at one point I looked back. I don't know why but I did. Sure enough 5 minutes back was Dave. I decided to pore the heat on. I cruised down into Little Valley and quickly headed up to the out-n-back. On my way down I was shocked...4 minutes back was Dave. Back at the aid station I decided to change shoes and loaded with fuel I was off, determined to bury Dave and win the race. During long openings I would look back to see where Dave was. I didn't see him but I kept pushing knowing he couldn't be too far. Several sections of the course weren't marked all that well and like I promised John
Bozung the race director, I would stop and tie flagging for the rest of the runner's. It didn't take much time but at mile 49 as I was tying a flag when I saw Dave, roughly 3 1/2 minutes behind me. Screw the flagging it wasn't my problem any more I was off. I was tired. Really tired and my legs were killing me. He caught me at mile 51.5. I'd pushed and pushed but Dave broke me. At this point Dave was so chipper and moving like a gazelle that I knew it wouldn't even be worth trying to go in together like we had mentioned at the beginning. Dave was very courteous and ran with me for 1/2 mile making sure I didn't need any water,
gu, or pills. Finally I told him to go win the race and leave me. He reluctantly did and there the race ended for me. I had given it my all and was spent. Coming into aid station #8 mile 53.5 I was only 3 minutes behind Dave but I was dead. I sat down, leaned over to a crew man and said "make me leave in 3 minutes." In that time I managed to drink a red bull and two huge slices of water melon. I was amazed at how much better I felt! My stomach was still upset but with a quick look at the watch I realized that I could still break 13 hrs! I didn't want to push too hard but I ran solid those 3.7 miles to the final aid station. I should have taken more time there but I really wanted to break 13 hrs. With 5.8 miles left, all of which on asphalt, I changed into some road shoes and off I went. Needless to say, 2 miles down the road and I was dead. I hit my final bonk from whence there was no return. Mentally and physically I had been beaten. I walked more of that road than I want to even imagine. My finishing time was 13 hrs and 4 minutes. Surprisingly if you minus those 13 minutes at the start you would get 12:51:00. I had run merely two minutesf faster than I had run last year!! Quite ironic. I would settle for second place with my good friend and icon Dave Hunt winning out. That long break at aid station #8 taught me a valuable lesson. on these long runs I don't need to rush through the aid stations like I tend to do. It's
ok to stop for 3-4 minutes and replenish. I would have run a much faster race if I would have slowed down through the aid stations and eaten more solid foods. I needed more salt as well. What a brutal experience! With Wasatch 100 coming up it is somewhat frightening yet I think I am going to run Wasatch much more casually and not so competitive. I keep learning about
ultra's though and although this one broke me I ran well. Thanks to all the aid station crew members! We can't do it without you. Also congrats to female winner
Marcee Christian for an awesome race and to all other
Katcina runners. What a brutal race. Happy trails everyone.
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